

Fingerprints are the unique identity of every individual. No one can duplicate this identity, and this feature alters the traditional attendance system. As the traditional attendance system has several drawbacks, there is a need for a new attendance system, and a fingerprint attendance system fulfills this need. Punching the attendance with an RFID card or fingerprint makes the system apt for the new-age era. When integrated with school ERPs, develop a full-proof attendance system that can be implemented for both staff and students.

With "Vidyalaya" Biometric- Time and attendance solution, Institute can enjoy the benefits of an automated employee time tracking system with an added convenience and security of biometric (fingerprint/RFID Card) authentication."Vidyalaya" Biometric features time and attendance software paired with a biometric employee time clock. The biometric clock allows employees to check in and out quickly and easily, using just a fingerprint or RFID Card. Vidyalaya Biometric automatically tracks the total time/days worked, based on the total present/absent days software will generate payroll reports accordingly."Vidyalaya" Biometric solution delivers secure, reliable employee time and attendance tracking.


Features Of Vidyalaya - Biometric Attendance System

  • Integrated With Vidyalaya - School Management Software -Ensuring minimum human effort and intervention.
  • Authorize - users as administrators or managers
  • Manager-Level Access - allows users to edit time cards, print reports, and manage team hours worked
  • Administrator-Level Access - gives users the ability to view records, reports, and entire database
  • Track Employee Time - including arrival and departure time, lunch, breaks, overtime, holidays and absenteeism
  • Establish Rules Governing - how employee time is accounted for (rounding, early clock in or out, overtime)
  • Manual Adjustments - by Authorized Personnel only
  • Generate Professional management reports.
  • Total Employee Work Hours by employee and supervisor
  • Employee Overtime Hours
  • Incomplete Time card Reports
  • Employee Tardy/Early Out Reports
  • Unscheduled Employee Absences
  • Auto-Send Email/SMS To Employees

Benefits Of Vidyalaya - Biometric Attendance Software

  • Increase Processing Speed
  • Flexible Scalability
  • Centralized work hour management
  • Automate payroll processing
  • Eliminate buddy-punching
  • Eliminate time-cards
  • Eliminate early punch-ins
  • Eliminate unauthorized overtime
  • Eliminate hours of payroll calculations
  • Accurately reports employee time/attendance to Payroll & HR
  • Increase organization's profitability

Our Client Says

Why Institutes Love Vidyalaya School ERP System?


After using our own customised ERP for many years, but we were somehow not satisfied & were searching for a software that meets our ...

Ms. Suprabha Menon

Principal(CBSE) Navrachana Education Society, Vadodara


Vidyalaya relieves our Staff from the heaps of efforts & work they have to put in managing all the activities manually.It also helps our Parents to ...

Mr. Vatsal Vaishnav

Director, Nirma Vidyavihar,


Regardless of Price & features, what a School will require the most is SUPPORT & Vidyalaya provides us with that. No doubt, Vidyalaya is an ...

Ms. Ekta Patel

Principal, Jay Jalaram International School,


We were since long looking for a solution that helps us to go paperless & cashless at the same time & reduces our manual workload.Vidyalaya provides ...

Ms. Mayuri Vasani

Director, R.P Vasani International School,


Being associated with PP Savani Abrama, a leading & innovative organisation of Gujarat it was never easy for us to manage all directorial ...

Mr. Jaimin Rajyaguru

Director, P.P Savani School,


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